Protea Weekly - Ep 3

Protea Weekly Podcast – Episode 3 – Goal Setting

In this episode, Zane Stevens reflects on the past year and sets goals for 2024. He emphasizes the importance of goal setting over New Year’s resolutions and shares his process for creating SMART goals. Zane also discusses the need to improve communication within his team and his goal of making Protea Financial more sustainable. He highlights the importance of delegating responsibilities and rebuilding the organizational structure. The episode concludes with Zane enjoying his holiday break and looking forward to the new year.



– Set SMART goals instead of New Year’s resolutions.

– Improving communication is essential for effective leadership.

– Focus on making your business sustainable and less dependent on one person.

– Delegate responsibilities and rebuild the organizational structure to ensure long-term success.




00:00 Introduction and Setting Goals for 2024

03:06 Improving Communication

04:28 Making Protea Financial More Sustainable

08:10 Delegating Responsibilities and Rebuilding the Org Chart

09:33 Goal Setting Process and Short-Term Goals

11:01 Resolutions vs. Goals for 2024

11:15 Enjoying the Holiday Season

12:32 Conclusion and Looking Ahead to 2024


And remember to make them SMART goals:…

NOTE – Quality is not great as I left my equipment at the office for the holiday.