Why You Need a Fiduciary

Estate planning is crucial for managing and distributing your assets according to your wishes. However, many Americans procrastinate on setting up an estate plan, often due to discomfort or misconceptions about the process. Without a living trust, your assets may undergo probate—a costly and time-consuming procedure. Including a professional fiduciary in your estate plan can…
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Understanding the Corporate Transparency Act: A Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Protea Financial is committed to informing you about significant legislative changes that could impact your business operations. With the assistance of our partners at CMPR, this comprehensive guide explores the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), enacted as part of the broader Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020. Aimed at preventing money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit…
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A professional Fiduciary – Do you need one?

You need a professional fiduciary if you have an estate plan. A compilation of statistical resources reveal that anywhere between 66-80% of Americans do not have an estate plan. Besides our natural denial that we are mortal, other reasons can cause procrastination in setting up our formalized plans.  Without an estate plan, specifically a living…
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The Power of a Smile: Enhancing Leadership, Teaming, and Relationship Building

As a psychologist who always emphasizes that “Business is Human”, I believe that understanding the emotional underpinnings of our interactions is key to success in any professional setting. Therefore, in this blog, I write about harnessing the power of a smile to transform leadership, teamwork, and relationships. Smiling and Leadership Leadership is as much about…
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Navigating the California Redemption Value (CRV) Program for Wineries

The California Redemption Value (CRV) program, established in 1986, is a cornerstone of the state’s recycling and environmental efforts. Aimed at reducing litter and encouraging recycling, CalRecycle imposes a fee on consumers at the time of purchase for eligible beverage containers, which is refunded upon the container’s return. For wineries in California, navigating the intricacies…
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Budgeting for Managed Cybersecurity Services in 2024

Have you taken time to review your cybersecurity budget for 2024 yet? It is no longer optional. Going without managed cybersecurity services that fit your organization’s unique needs can increase risk, negatively impact your reputation, and result in major fines and other costs related to data breaches.   Going Without Cybersecurity Strategies Can Impact Your…
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