Monthly Closing Review and Analysis: Evaluating Performance and Identifying Opportunities

The monthly closing process is more than just a routine accounting task. It’s an opportunity to evaluate your business’s performance and uncover new growth opportunities.  By effectively reviewing and analyzing your monthly financials, you can make informed decisions that drive success. The bookkeeping experts here at Protea Financial want to guide you through a comprehensive…
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Profit and Loss Forecasting for Wineries: Techniques and Best Practices

Forecasting profit and loss is a crucial skill for managing any business, and wineries are no exception. Effective forecasting can help you navigate the unique challenges of the wine industry, from seasonal variations in production to fluctuating market demand.  By mastering the techniques and best practices of profit and loss forecasting, you can ensure your…
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Understanding the Basics of Profit and Loss in Wine Accounting

Managing a winery involves passion and precision, much like the art of winemaking itself. Whether you’re a seasoned vintner or new to the industry, understanding the financial underpinnings of your business is crucial. One of the fundamental aspects of this is grasping how profit and loss (P&L) work specifically within the wine industry. Dive into…
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Understanding the Full Benefits of QBO from the Financial Experts at Protea Financial

Are you looking to take your small business finances to the next level? Look no further than QuickBooks Online (QBO)! In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a streamlined financial process is crucial for success. Let Protea Financial guide you through the full benefits of QBO and show you how it can revolutionize your business operations….
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