Protea Weekly – Episode 33 – Find your voice

In this episode, Zane Stevens reflects on the importance of sharing knowledge and finding one’s voice. He discusses how he shares information through various platforms, such as social media, webinars, blog posts, and public speaking. Zane emphasizes the value of providing educational content to help business owners and the general population understand the importance of…
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Preventing Financial Mishaps: How Outsourced Bookkeepers Can Guide Your Team

Managing the financial health of your business is crucial, but it can also be incredibly challenging. With so many moving parts, it’s easy for financial mishaps to occur, potentially jeopardizing your company’s stability and growth. One effective way to safeguard against these pitfalls is by partnering with outsourced bookkeepers.  At Protea Financial, we understand the…
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Protea Weekly – Episode 32 – I will say it again, communicate!!!

In this episode, Zane Stevens discusses the importance of communication in accounting and business. He emphasizes the need for accountants to be able to effectively communicate with clients and colleagues. Zane shares eight key points for improving communication, including having clarity of purpose, knowing your audience, being concise, consistency, active listening, using stories and examples,…
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Future-Proofing Your Business: Choosing Timeless Tech Solutions

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just keeping up with current trends. It involves strategically selecting technology solutions that will serve your business well into the future.  At Protea Financial, we understand the importance of future-proofing your business with timeless tech solutions that enhance efficiency, drive growth,…
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Protea Weekly – Episode 31 – Is it time to reassess your goals?

In this episode, Zane Stevens discusses the importance of reassessing goals halfway through the year. He shares his personal and business goals and how he has been working towards them. Zane emphasizes the need to set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and reassess them regularly. He encourages listeners to adjust or drop goals…
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The Complex World of Inventory Compliance for Wineries

The foundation of any successful business – including wineries – comprises the numbers that underly everything. Tracking your performance using these numbers is vital to maintaining and expanding a profitable business. The challenge is in the details and the arduous, often-tedious job of allocating costs, calculating COGS, managing key indicator accounts, and more. Wineries are unique…
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