Protea Weekly - Episode 19 - Interacting on LinkedIn

Protea Weekly – Episode 19 – Interacting on LinkedIn

Things got a little weird!

In this episode, Zane Stevens discusses various topics he considered for the show, including the poor state of the economy, global pricing overruns, people overselling and underdelivering, lack of service delivery in the accounting industry, and the importance of effective communication.

However, he decides to take a different approach and scroll through LinkedIn to find positive and interesting posts from people in the accounting industry. He highlights several individuals to follow on LinkedIn and emphasizes the value of networking and learning from others in the field.

People mentioned in the episode:

Give them a follow on LinkedIn!


  • The accounting industry faces challenges such as poor economy, global pricing overruns, and lack of service delivery.
  • Effective communication is crucial for clients and accounting industry teams.
  • LinkedIn is a valuable platform for networking and learning from others in the accounting industry.
  • Following and engaging with influential individuals on LinkedIn can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth.
  • Investing time in learning Excel and other spreadsheet tools can greatly benefit professionals in the accounting and finance world.

Sound Bites

“People overselling and under delivering and the negative effects that has on the accounting industry.”

“Lack of service delivery in the accounting industry.”

“Positive messages and great ideas on LinkedIn.”


00:00 Introduction and Overview

09:29 Networking and Learning on LinkedIn

16:09 The Benefits of Excel Skills in Accounting

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