Is Your Small Business Ready for the Recession?

Small businesses are often hit the hardest when the economy takes a downturn. With fewer customers spending less, many small businesses must cut back in order to stay afloat. In these times, it is more important than ever for small businesses to be as frugal as possible and have a plan for staying afloat during…
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Protea Conversations: Saja Raoof

Protea Financial was founded in 2014 to provide high-quality outsourced accounting at an affordable price.  Given Protea’s flexible work environment, the Company especially appealed to accountants who wanted to re-enter the workforce after taking time off to start a family. This allowed Protea to attract extremely talented individuals who were previously overlooked.  Protea strives to…
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What Goes Into the Cost of a Bottle of Wine

You may not have thought about this, but it is a common question among winery and vineyard owners, not to mention wine aficionados. Customers always ask vineyard and winery owners why wine is priced the way it is. If you have ever wondered how your favorite bottle of wine is priced, or you are thinking…
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Costing Methods for Wine

As a winery owner, you are probably far more concerned with wine production than wine pricing. That’s understandable because if the wine isn’t good, it won’t sell regardless of price. However, you need to get a fair price for your wine to recoup your production costs and stay in business. Wine pricing can be tricky….
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Difficulties of Cash Management for Wineries

Small businesses often have cash management issues. In fact, over 60% of small business owners have cash flow problems from time to time. Over 40% of businesses have had cash problems so severe that they missed vendor payments, payroll, or leases. Controlling your cash flow is vital to the success of any business. The wine…
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