Protea Weekly - The CTA is Scary - Civil and criminal penalties

The CTA is Scary – Civil and criminal penalties

When it comes to reporting requirements, particularly in regulated industries, there are significant liabilities that individuals and companies must be aware of. These liabilities primarily fall into two categories: civil penalties and criminal penalties. Here’s a breakdown of each:

Civil Penalties

Civil penalties are monetary fines imposed for non-compliance with regulatory requirements. According to recent updates, the fine for failing to file required information is $591 per day per individual, not per company. This means that if multiple individuals, such as SE Suite officers or significant owners, are involved, the fines can multiply rapidly.

Key Points:

  • Per Day Basis: The $591 fine is calculated daily, meaning if non-compliance continues, the fines accumulate.
  • Per Individual: The fine applies to each individual involved, which can include multiple SE Suite officers and any non-compliant owners.
  • Potential Caps: While some interpretations suggest a cap of $10,000, the statute itself does not specify a cap, potentially leading to much higher fines if non-compliance continues over an extended period.

Criminal Penalties

In addition to civil penalties, there are criminal penalties for more severe cases of non-compliance. These penalties can include:

  • Fines: Up to $10,000.
  • Imprisonment: Up to two years.

Criminal penalties are typically reserved for more serious violations or repeated offenses.

Indirect Consequences

Apart from direct fines, non-compliance can also lead to indirect consequences. For example:

  • Tax Implications: Incorrect or incomplete reporting may attract scrutiny from tax authorities like the IRS or state tax boards, leading to additional fines and penalties.
  • Regulatory Scrutiny: Other regulatory agencies might use the failure to report as a basis for further investigation into business practices.


Understanding the potential liabilities for non-compliance with reporting requirements is crucial. Companies must ensure that all necessary information is accurately reported and up-to-date to avoid substantial civil fines, criminal penalties, and additional indirect consequences. If you’re involved in a regulated industry, it’s essential to stay informed about these requirements and seek professional advice to navigate these complex regulations effectively.