
Take care of your people without having to worry about the details

Running payroll eats up more than just time

Payroll Services for Wineries Protea Financial

For small – to medium – sized businesses, including wineries, there’s more to meeting payroll than just having the money to pay employees. Creating checks, drafting payments, filing reports, and tracking taxes are all time – consuming tasks. What’s more, they’re all tasks that are rife with chances to make errors. To give your payroll obligations the right attention, you would need to hire an entire staff dedicated to that one purpose. That, in turn, just eats up more resources. Finding a way to manage your payroll responsibilities without breaking the bank is a huge step to success.

Save effort, save money, and save yourself from payroll headaches

Not only do outsourced payroll services from Protea Financial free you from tedious tasks, they stop your winery from wasting money. Our team tracks timecards, processes payroll, and submits timely reports and tax payments. You can simplify your payroll while gaining expert oversight and reducing cost, all at the same time.

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Focus on training new hires while our dedicated experts handle the paperwork of onboarding and help you enroll employees in benefits programs.

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Tax reports
& payments

Stay on top of tax reporting and payments at all times as our team helps you navigate tax rates, develop filing procedures, and ensure taxes are always paid on time.

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Timecard &
PTO tracking

Gain increased visibility into how employees are working, prevent time theft, and maintain regulatory compliance for sick time and PTO tracking.

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Utilize your Protea Financial accountant and bookkeepers to create oversight systems that keep you compliant with federal, state, and local regulations.

Communication is great. In fact, I would call it overcommunication.

We needed a trusted partner to dive into our financials, clean up inefficiencies and help us better understand big-picture numbers so we could focus on our business.

Luckily, we found Protea. They helped us develop structured, efficient protocols backed by clean data to keep things running smoothly. And their monthly oversight, attention to detail, and overcommunication are top-notch.

Thanks to the Protea team, we can now spend more time focusing on building our brand while running more efficiently. I highly recommend them for winery accounting and bookkeeping!

Jake Krausz Estate Director at Arkenstone Winery

Jake Krausz
Estate Director at Arkenstone Winery

Arkenstone logo

A simple path to simplified bookkeeping



Click below to schedule your first consultation. It’s completely free, and designed to discover your needs.



Based on your winery’s unique requirements, we will customize an accounting solution specifically for you.



With bookkeeping and accounting taken care of, you are free to do what you love most: make fantastic wine.

Schedule a Call
Man picking grapes for the winery

Payroll services from Protea Financial take long hours of work off your plate, are and prevent unnecessary penalties and costs