How To Create A Budget

We are entering the new year, which means many people are setting goals for the new year. As a business owner, you should be doing the same thing. Creating a budget is one of the best practices you can start for your business.   What Is a Business Budget and What Are Its Benefits? A…
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Words of Wisdom from Protea Financial

There is something to be said for the words we all speak. Day in and day out, we speak and hear thousands, sometimes millions of them. The words we choose say a lot about who we are and what we are passionate about. Here at Protea Financial, we love to share words of wisdom all…
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2022 Thankful Message from Protea Financial

Another year is nearly over, and what an eventful year it has been. We have all been through a lot of ups and down over the last few years, and 2022 was no different. Thankfully, some aspects of life are starting to feel a bit more normal, and we were able to make some progress…
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What Are 1099s?

Any time you are paid for work by a company, that company is required to report your payments to the IRS as income. Typically, this is done through a form W-2 because most, if not all, of the company’s payments go to employees. However, some companies do hire contractors or freelancers. These individuals work on specific projects

The Best Small Business Software Considerations: Work Simply, Manage Efficiently

Are you looking for the best small business software? Look no further! This guide details some of the top-rated software options available for various tasks and how they can help you work more efficiently. From email management to time tracking, these programs are perfect for small businesses. Best Bookkeeping and Accounting Software Options QuickBooks Online…
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