Seven Ways to Increase Your Cybersecurity Awareness

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month when we focus on safeguarding our digital assets and learning about the ever-evolving threats in the cyber world. As a small business owner, you may think your company is too insignificant to be a target, but that’s far from the truth. In recent years, small and medium-sized businesses have risen…
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Protea Conversations: The Protea Family

Protea Financial was founded in 2014 to provide high-quality outsourced accounting at an affordable price. Given Protea’s flexible work environment, the Company especially appealed to accountants who wanted to re-enter the workforce after taking time off to start a family. This allowed Protea to attract extremely talented individuals who were previously overlooked.  Protea strives to…
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Common Misconceptions about Accountants

Accountants are commonly misunderstood- whether it be the stereotypical personality or the type of work accountants perform, but I have first hand dealt with these misconceptions for years. These common misconceptions could be part of the blame for the shortage of accountants entering the field, so continue reading below for my personal experiences in busting…
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Assessing Business Performance Through Financial Performance and KPIs

Evaluating your company’s performance is critical to ensure its success and growth. But how do you assess performance? Enter the Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. These valuable metrics provide valuable insights into various aspects of your company’s financial health, allowing you to make informed decisions and drive positive change. The experts at Protea Financial can assist you…
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Protea Conversations: Anthony (Tony) Kim

Protea Financial was founded in 2014 to provide high-quality outsourced accounting at an affordable price. Given Protea’s flexible work environment, the Company especially appealed to accountants who wanted to re-enter the workforce after taking time off to start a family. This allowed Protea to attract extremely talented individuals who were previously overlooked.  Protea strives to…
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Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts In an IRS Tax Audit

In any endeavor, it’s always better if you can increase your odds of success by gathering more information to help tilt the odds in your favor. Remember when the Houston Astros employed technology to steal the opposing teams’ signs during the 2017 and 2018 seasons? After this baseball scandal was revealed, the Astros fired its…
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